Monday, April 5, 2010

Tip 10 l Doubling Your Chance at a Sale

by guest blogger, Shirley of ::Wild Blueberry Ink::

Have you ever seen a photograph and just fell in love. You think to yourself what a shame for it to just sit in my Den on the wall, we never get visitors no one will ever see it. I wish I could just wear it and show it off. Well why dont you?

Etsy is a never ending carnival of talent. Most artists are willing and eager to expand their work into other fields. You could do the same simply by contacting an artist and ask permisson to use their designs for your jewelry.

The locket below is a collaboration between Jewelry Maker Polarity and Artist Jessica Doyle

The original artwork by Jessica (seen below) is available as notecards and prints in her store.

I have one particular jewelry designer that I provide custom artwork to. As part of our deal she is the only one who has permission to use these images to create jewelry and in turn she pays me a set amount every time a piece sells. In my opinion this is one of the best set ups. It allows her to price her pieces and factor in my fee, she receives custom artwork, and in her description she gives me credit (which is always a must) and directs buyers to my shop.

If this is something you would be interested in doing, the following tips may be helpful to you.

Things to remember:

*Contract! Because you can never be too safe.

*Always be very clear that you want to be the only one selling the artwork on jewelry. Otherwise, you’ll have those copycat artists making the same designs as you and calling them their own.

*When you list your item be sure to state that this piece of art is available exclusively to YOUR STORE for use as jewelry.

*If they sell the piece of artwork ask them to state in their description that the piece can be purchased as a pendant and link your shop.

*Work up a payment plan, will you pay as they sell, will you pay monthly, etc. Which ever works best for you and the artist.

*When posting your photos online always be sure to watermark them so that no one can swipe the artwork and use it.

*If you plan to modify the artwork always ask permission first.

Why it works:

*One of a kind product that can not be found elsewhere. And how much do we love that???

*Not only will your customers see your product but the collaborating artist will introduce you to their customers as well!

*If they get featured you get featured!

What type of artists should you look for?

*Pick an artist who markets their store.




*Graphic Designs



*Think outside the box and think how you can add a little something extra to your pieces.

*Metal Workers can create charms

*Pottery Makers can create beads

*Glass Makers create custom glass pieces.

*Clothing Designers - you can take extra or scrap fabric from them and make matching accessories

*Bead Makers

Etsy is full of amazing photographers, illustrators, graphic designer, metal workers and many other types of visual artists. Why don’t you reach out to them and ask them if they would give you permission or commercial license to use their work on some of your jewelry? Talk to them and find out what they would like in exchange and see if it works with what you are willing to do. Some will just want a one time commercial license fee. Some will want a free piece of jewelry in exchange. Some will want a piece of the sales. Some may even say no, but you will never know if you don’t ask.

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