Friday, April 30, 2010
Flickr Flavor: Love
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Green Thumb
The Power of Three
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
What to Wear, What to Wear???
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
A Little Trashion for your Tuesday Night...
Monday, April 26, 2010
I Wrote You A Love Letter
Monday Morning Vintage Mugs
Tip 13 | Etsy Hacks
I was scrolling though my twitter feed one day and I see one of my tweeples (thats twitter for peoples) comment that they were upset that the changes to Etsy had messed up their Etsy Hacks. I immediately said “WHAT IS AN ETSY HACK?!?” I then googled it.
Maybe you’ve heard it mentioned and you’re just not exactly sure what it is or what it does. Maybe you think “hacks” are a bad thing. Or maybe you’ve never heard of it at all.
Adds page navigation to the top of your Your Etsy pages.
Sold orders plus
Search sold orders and see when buyers have bought from you before
Unheart and reheart favourites from the shop and listing pages, and unheart and reheart favourites in the Favourite Sellers and Favourite Items pages more quickly.
Fast tagger
Add all your listing’s tags at once.
Section counter
Looks for uncategorised listings in your “Sections” page.
Copy listing
Adds a link to copy an existing listing to the View Listing page
Forum navbar
Adds an extra navigation bar to forum pages
Fast batch feedback
Quickly set all the fields on the batch feedback page
Item zoom
Adds a zoom icon to images in search and shop listings
Shop tools
Adds a links to shop configuration pages to your shop and listing pages.
Forum permalinks
Adds a link to make it easier to link to specific posts in a forum
Treasury window tweaker
Makes it easier to open multiple treasuries in new tabs.
Forum user links
Adds links to a user’s profile, the ‘heart this user’ function, and links to send them a convo and see all the convos you’ve had with them.
Cancel transaction
Adds links to cancel transaction from the sold orders and view transaction pages
Printable receipt enhancer
Adds IDs and class names on the printer-friendly receipt, to make it easier to customise
Buyer info
Add extra information to the “buyer” box on a receipt page - a link to convos with that user, a link to their feedback page, a link to send them a convo, and a link to their email address.
- Email: ian at etsyhacks dot com
- Twitter: etsyhacks
- Google Talk: etsyhacks
- Yahoo IM: etsyhacks
- AIM: etsyhacks
- MSN: ian at etsyhacks dot com
- ICQ: 376144688
- Etsy: ehax
- Facebook:
- Blog: #!EtsyHacks
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Weekend Workspaces
Friday, April 23, 2010
☮ Earth Day Freebie ☮
Wild Blueberry FEATURED!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
3 Wishes Apothecary Jar
At A Snails Pace.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Tip 12 l Blogvertise
*Be sure to read to the end I am offering a great prize*
Before any business is successful an investment has to be made. Money has to be spent to make a business profitable. Today I want to introduce you to one very popular way you can invest your marketing money - Blog Advertising.
| What is a Blog? |
A blog is usually short. A blog can range anywhere from a couple of sentences to a couple of paragraphs or even pages. When someone posts a blog it is open for comments. People can then visit that website, read the blog, and post a comment about the writing. Anyone can ask the blogger ( or person who is writing the blog) any question that they deem necessary.
Blog advertising is becoming the choice for online advertising because of its many advantages such as link building and generating more visits to your site and, therefore, higher chances of your products and/or services being known.
| Planning A Campaign |
Honestly, one ad on one blog for one month is not really going to get you the results that you are looking for. Keep in mind the more times your banner is seen the more times it is clicked. The more times people visit your store the more likely they are to buy your product. Here are a few steps to help you plan your online campaign.
1. Determine how much money you want to spend.
2. Determine your target audience.
3. Make a list of your favorite blogs and other places you would like your banner to appear.
4. Contact the list and get price quotes and traffic statistics.
This information is vital to planning a successful campaign. Once you have these 4 items you can sit down and determine where you money is best spent and then budget it out so you can get more bang for your buck.
| How To Get The Most Out Of Blogvertising |
1. Make sure you ad pops. Why even advertise if your banner is going to get lost in the crowd. If you have no Graphic Design experience I strongly urge you to contact someone who does and hire them to create you some online banners. Be sure to get a varitety of sizes, one animated .gif, and a couple of design styles. The most popular sizes are 150px x 150 px, 150px x 60px, and 150px x 200px.
2. Make sure the audience fits your goods. This goes beyond who reads the blog. Yes that is a very important factor to keep in mind but make sure the content of the blog addresses your target audience. You may not necessarily want to advertise on a blog who provides tutorials on how to make your product, or lists where to get the cheapest supplies. Those readers may feel as if they can do it themselves.
3. Know the lingo. Make you sure understand what the terms unique visitors, pageviews, page rank & more before you go asking for stats. You need to know what the numbers mean, so spend some time researching these terms first.
4. Get the facts. Any blog worth advertising on will be more than happy to provide you all their stats. If they don’t NEVER be afraid to ask for them. This is your money!
5. Barter. It never hurts to ask if someone will trade a month of banner space for a piece of jewelry or a gift certificate to your shop. Just keep in mind that if it’s a popular blog then most likely they get that offer a lot and may not be willing to trade.
6. Free Advertisement. If you have a blog of your own put your own banners on your ad and ask your readers to spread the love by placing them on theirs.
7. Track It. Note when you kick off your campaign and keep track of your sales that follow. If you really want an accurate count of where your traffic is coming from have your banner advertise a special for those readers only with a code just for them. When they make a purchase they will use that code and you will know just how much ban you are getting for your bucks.
| Where To Advertise |
There are so many great blogs out there and it could be hard to find some that work for you. Here are a couple of ways to find the best ones.
1. Your favorites. What blogs do you follow and read daily.
2. This site allows blog owners to register their blog and then allows readers to search blogs by topic, popularity and they even tell you often the blogs update!
3. Blog Advertise Store. This site will actually allow you to pay some of the top bloggers to review your product. They even offer a directory for you to research blogs and costs first.
4. Ali Edwards. I love Ali Edwards! The last time I heard she gets over 10,000 hits a day to her site. While she is mainly a scrapbooking blog keep in mind that she has a huge following. What I love about her is she does sponsor giveaways and at least once a week she tweets about her advertisers. PS - she has close to 6000 twitter followers.
5. Indie Fixx is a lifestyle blog and is partly a personal blog with a very healthy mix of indie design love, crafting and diy, some gardening and cooking mixed in with plenty of commentary and a healthy dose of joie de vivre.
6. Readership consists of both Etsy sellers and those who just love all things handmade, indie, and artsy! As such, Everything Etsy is a great advertising opportunity for a wide variety of businesses and organizations.
I hope this information has been helpful to you all. If you have any questions about anything mentioned above please feel free to comment or email me. Please keep in mind that marketing is truly a trial and error process. There will be some that will generate hundreds of dollars of sales and there will be some that are complete duds. Never get discouraged and never be afraid to try!!
Now for the Giveaway
I am going to be giving away a custom designed banner package. This package will include 3 banners in the most popular sizes: 150px x 150 px, 150px x 60px, and 150px x 200px and 1 animated banner. Also in this package you will receive a month’s FREE ADVERTISING on my blog. The banners to the left were created by me along with my logo, header and of course all the designs in my shop. This is a good representation of my style and design skills.
I will randomly pick a winner on April 31st at Midnight. The winner will be chosen randomly from the comments to this post. The more comments the more chances you have to win. However there is a catch. . . . the comments have to be one of the following types of comments:
1 | feedback on the blog post
2 | link to where you tweeted about this - comment on the blog post at Wild Blueberry Ink everytime you tweet it for more chances
3 | link to where you posted this on facebook - comment everytime you post it for more chances
4 | you followed this blog - I have 3 ways to follow this blog choose all 3 for more chances
5 | you fanned me on facebook
6 | you followed me on twitter
7 | you blogged about this post
*please limit your tweets and facebook posts to 4 per day*
Thanks and good luck!!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Tip 11 l Twittermania
What is Twitter? Twitter is a free service that allows you to communicate with friends, family, and even co-workers about your day to day experiences and activities. Twitter gives you a place to answer one simple question, “What are you doing?”
Don’t understand what all the Twitter fuss is about or why you might want to use this social networking tool? You’re not alone, but you may be missing out on useful information and professional connections.
I am pretty new to twitter myself and as I write this I am amazed at how much I DID NOT KNOW! I am going to introduce you to the basics - trust me baby steps will make it so much easier. I have decided to totally skip the signup process. It’s pretty easy to create a Twitter account but if you do find yourself with questions here is a great tutorial.
Twitter has quickly become the third largest social networking site in the world and as the service grows in popularity, so does the vocabulary. Words used on Twitter can refer to an action, a convention or a tool. Most of the terms used center around adding “Tw” as a prefix to existing words or around variations on the word Twitter.
Here is a quick explanation of the most used terms. I urge you all to bookmark the Twittonary link, yes I said Twittonary and trust me you will need it :)
Twitter always asks the question, “What’s happening?” Each answer to that question is considered a Twitter status update, or what people often call a “tweet.” Each update is 140 characters or less. Once you’ve signed up, just type your first tweet in the update box. They’ll even count the characters for you! Click the update button to post the tweet to your profile.
To Follow refers to the process of signing up to receive someone’s Tweets, therefore making anyone who is following someone’s Tweets their Followers. The number of Followers a Twitterer has, as well as whom and how many they are Following appears on the user’s profile, with high numbers usually reflecting a popular Twitterer.
Twitterers use the shorthand RT (Retweet) in front of something they are reposting or repeating from another user, usually an interesting link, quote or request.
FollowFriday is a tag used on Twitter as a way to tell your followers about other Twitterers that are worth following. This is done most often on Fridays. Put the #FollowFriday hash in your message to let others know you’re sharing knowledgeable people that they should follow.
Hash tags or pound signs (#) were invented by users as a quick way to follow all conversations surrounding an event, a topic or a brand. You add a hash tag simply by prefixing a keyword with a hash symbol: #keyword. tracks the conversation for you.
You can send someone a Direct Message. This is a message that only the recipient will be able to see. It is also subject to the 140-character limit. Either use the direct message link via the interface or type d followed by a space in front of the user name at the start of your message. For example: d kimvallee How are you doing?
You can Reply to another Tweeter by answering to one of its tweets. This is also how you engage in a conversation with someone. When you wish to reply to someone you either use the reply link or you can type @ before their Twitter user name.
Note that replies are public message (can be seen by everyone).
TweetLater- An essential service for many Twitter users. This site is all about automation. With Tweet Later, you can automatically 1) send ‘thank you’ and welcome messages to new followers, 2) “return-follow” your new followers and 3) schedule tweets to be delivered at a specified time in the future.
TwitPic lets you share photos on Twitter. You can post pictures to TwitPic from your phone, the TwitPic home page or your Twitter account.
One of the most common uses of Twitter is sharing links. But you only have 140 characters to work with, so instead of sharing a long URL, use one of several URL-shortening services to shrink that link. Some of our favorites include,,, and
If your site’s not working or you’re suffering from another problem, give updates on Twitter so customers know what’s going on.
Hold a contest using Twitter: it can spread like wildfire.
Respond to tweets talking about you and your brand.
Publish your Twitter ID on all marketing collateral, including business cards, email signature, email newsletters, web sites and brochures, so prospects can learn more about you.
Share what you’re doing so people learn about the type of work you do.
Mention when you’re attending or speaking at an upcoming event.
Announce the publication of your newsletter’s latest issue, along with a brief description.
Post discounts, coupons and package deals.
Discover trends
Spread your tweets throughout the day, rather than posting the all at once, as people check Twitter at different times of the day.
Grow your network: Join industry and topic groups related to your business, Get referrals, Give referrals, Recommend other Twitter users to your network including reasons to follow them — by sharing goodwill you will encourage others to reciprocate.
This does not even scratch the twitter surface. However, I do believe that it will give you a good start to tweeting and developing a following. As always I would love to hear your feedback or if you have a tip or two about Twitter PLEASE comment with it. I am new to Twitter myself and need all the help I can get :)
Happy Tweeting
*Icons used in this post are FREE and were downloaded from the following sites:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Tip 10 l Doubling Your Chance at a Sale
Have you ever seen a photograph and just fell in love. You think to yourself what a shame for it to just sit in my Den on the wall, we never get visitors no one will ever see it. I wish I could just wear it and show it off. Well why dont you?
Etsy is a never ending carnival of talent. Most artists are willing and eager to expand their work into other fields. You could do the same simply by contacting an artist and ask permisson to use their designs for your jewelry.
The locket below is a collaboration between Jewelry Maker Polarity and Artist Jessica Doyle
I have one particular jewelry designer that I provide custom artwork to. As part of our deal she is the only one who has permission to use these images to create jewelry and in turn she pays me a set amount every time a piece sells. In my opinion this is one of the best set ups. It allows her to price her pieces and factor in my fee, she receives custom artwork, and in her description she gives me credit (which is always a must) and directs buyers to my shop.
If this is something you would be interested in doing, the following tips may be helpful to you.
Things to remember:
*Contract! Because you can never be too safe.
*Always be very clear that you want to be the only one selling the artwork on jewelry. Otherwise, you’ll have those copycat artists making the same designs as you and calling them their own.
*When you list your item be sure to state that this piece of art is available exclusively to YOUR STORE for use as jewelry.
*If they sell the piece of artwork ask them to state in their description that the piece can be purchased as a pendant and link your shop.
*Work up a payment plan, will you pay as they sell, will you pay monthly, etc. Which ever works best for you and the artist.
*When posting your photos online always be sure to watermark them so that no one can swipe the artwork and use it.
*If you plan to modify the artwork always ask permission first.
Why it works:
*One of a kind product that can not be found elsewhere. And how much do we love that???
*Not only will your customers see your product but the collaborating artist will introduce you to their customers as well!
*If they get featured you get featured!
What type of artists should you look for?
*Pick an artist who markets their store.
*Graphic Designs
*Think outside the box and think how you can add a little something extra to your pieces.
*Metal Workers can create charms
*Pottery Makers can create beads
*Glass Makers create custom glass pieces.
*Clothing Designers - you can take extra or scrap fabric from them and make matching accessories
*Bead Makers
Etsy is full of amazing photographers, illustrators, graphic designer, metal workers and many other types of visual artists. Why don’t you reach out to them and ask them if they would give you permission or commercial license to use their work on some of your jewelry? Talk to them and find out what they would like in exchange and see if it works with what you are willing to do. Some will just want a one time commercial license fee. Some will want a free piece of jewelry in exchange. Some will want a piece of the sales. Some may even say no, but you will never know if you don’t ask.